Sport massage

A sports massage is aimed at stimulating the blood flow of the muscles. This ensures that the waste products in your muscles are removed faster and that sufficient nutrients and oxygen are transported through your body, which promotes muscle recovery and prevents any other possible conditions in the body. Sports massages are also often used to treat or prevent injuries. If you have had an injury or experience pain in your body. then this massage is probably right for you!


A relaxation massage aims to relax your body and mind. The pace is slower and pressure here is less than with any other type of massage. This is about rest and balance of your mental and physical health. Do you suffer from stress and a busy mind a lot, have been busy at work or have just put a tough situation behind you? Then a relaxation massage will certainly do you well.

Deep Tissue

A deep tissue massage is similar to a sports massage, only a deep tissue massage involves deeper and slower work. A lot is done with pressure points and the use of the elbow. This stimulates the energy channels in the body and all the stress and tension can then just flow away. It is a powerful massage to bring the body back into balance. Do you ever have the feeling that there are knots in your body? If so, I definitely recommend this massage!

Cupping Massage

With cupping, cups are placed on your back, creating a vacuum. This stimulates your blood and oxygen circulation and waste products are removed more quickly. This is also healthy for your fascia, to get tighter skin. In addition, it stimulates your body's self-healing process. If you want to increase any of the above, cupping is a good massage for you! This can also be given in combination with other massages.

Trigger point

In trigger point massage you specifically deal with trigger points throughout the body. A trigger point is an accumulation of waste products that prevents enough oxygen and nutrients from flowing through the muscle. This creates a stiff feeling in the body and results in muscle pain. Trigger points are found throughout the body and will come up faster when muscles are overstimulated. Stress and trauma can also cause deep lying trigger points. Do you feel stiff in your body and is movement becoming less smooth and enjoyable for you? Then focusing on trigger points can be very beneficial for you!


I work with natural essential oils because they have many benefits and I believe that nature itself can solve and heal a lot.

  • Reduce anxiety and pain.
  • Improves sleep and concentration.
  • Reduces inflammation, mucus and colds.
  • Relieves nausea, headache.
  • Improves the mood.
  • Improves work performance through less stress and more attention.
  • Kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.